These are African books I think you should read.
Children of the Quicksands by Efua Traoré
Genre: Fiction, 288 pages

Traoré’s YA novel is imaginative nourishment for young readers. It tells the story of Simi, a young Lagos girl who visits her grandmother in a Yoruba village and becomes entangled in the fate of an enchanted lake.
The Fortune Men by Nadifa Mohamed
Genre: Fiction, 352 pages

Nadifa Mohamed’s Booker shortlisted novel re-imagines the true-life story of Mahmood Mattan, a Somali sailor, who is accused of killing a shopkeeper in Cardiff. His wrongful conviction is the tragic heart of this story about love and community.
Your Crib, My Qibla by Saddiq Dzukogi
Genre: Poetry, 108 pages

Saddiq Dzukogi makes extraordinary art from the most devastating experience: the death of this daughter on her second birthday. The collection explores grief, offering the language to mourn as well as honor the dead.