Uncategorized Meditation unleash the power that lies within Most often in western culture the word meditation is mainly associated with physical and mental benefits, but the truth is that this discipline offers... afrobeatingxMarch 28, 2020
Uncategorized The miracle Vitamin In recent years, beards have returned with a vengeance. They are now donned by what seems like practically every male TV personality to artsy... afrobeatingxMarch 27, 2020
Uncategorized Hammam Getaway Are you ready to follow me on a virtual exotic trip to discover the beauty secrets of Moroccan women? My name is Jasmine, and... afrobeatingxSeptember 26, 2019
Uncategorized Shea Butter, a Different Kind Of Nut Butter Shea butter is created from the nut of the karate shea tree, that can be found in Africa. Unre- fined, raw shea butter contains... afrobeatingxSeptember 26, 2019
Uncategorized Man Up Dude, Get a Pedicure I would have never thought in a million years I would be writing about this. I would have never thought that I would be... afrobeatingxSeptember 25, 2019
Uncategorized 3 Homemade Conditioners : Give Your Hair What It needs from home! Give your hair what they need during the winter season! Afro hair is always dry, but even dryer in the winter season. Using the... afrobeatingxSeptember 23, 2019